Hi, my name is

Samrat Sadhu.

I build things for the web.

I'm a software engineer specializing in crafting (and ocassionally designing) exceptional digital experiences. I am actively seeking new opportunities as a software developer. Ex-Hyperlearn.

About Me

Hello! My name is Samrat and I enjoy creating things that live on the internet. My interest in web development started back in 2016 when I decided to try editing webpage designs — turns out hacking together a custom submit button taught me a lot about HTML & CSS!

Fast-forward to today, and I've had the privilege of working at a placement cella geeks portala training agencya software company, and a start-up. My main focus these days is building projects, looking for SDE opportunities.

I also recently published a work  on "Design of Wideband Microstrip Patch Antenna at 38GHz for 5G Network" at ICTDsC, 2023 in Springer.

Here are a few technologies I have been working with recently:

  • Javascript (ES6+)
  • Typescript
  • Next.js
  • React
  • Python
  • C++

Where I've Worked

SDE Intern 


Mar 2023 - Jan 2024

  • Deliver high-quality, robust production code for the Hyperlearn project. Design wireframes and prototypes, and document frontend components to support development and maintenance
  • Work alongside creative directors to lead the research, development, and architecture of technical solutions to fulfill business requirements
  • Collaborate with designers, project managers, and engineers to turn creative concepts into production features. Build reusable UI components and widgets for a consistent design system
  • Provide leadership in the engineering department through collaboration, knowledge sharing, and mentorship, fostering a culture of continuous learning

Some Things I’ve Built

Other Noteworthy Projects

view the archive
  • Virtual World

    VirtualWorld.js is an innovative project crafted entirely in vanilla JavaScript, showcasing the power of web technologies to create a dynamic and immersive virtual world.

    • Javascript
    • HTML
    • CSS
  • Self-Driving Car

    A self-driving car implemented using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript; involves the development of a virtual environment where a car navigates through predefined routes and avoids traffic.

    • Javascript
    • HTML
    • CSS
  • Weather Wizard

    A weather application built with ReactJs, Redux for state management to display realtime weather data, with additional functionality of user authentication and favorites list.

    • React
    • Redux
    • OpenWeather API
  • 3D Portfolio Website

    A 3D personal portfolio website build with React and ThreeJs, with smooth animations powered by Framer Motion and functional Contact Me page with EmailJs.

    • React
    • Tailwind CSS
    • Three.js
  • Bullseye!!!

    A 2D game in vanilla javascript built from scratch with an in-game physics engine to detect collisions and interactions, sprites and movement controls.

    • Javascript
    • HTML
    • CSS
  • Expense Tracker

    An Expense Tracker application to keep track of all income and expenses with better visualization through pie charts and voice input interaction.

    • React
    • Material UI
    • Speechly
What's Next?

Get In Touch

I am currently looking for new opportunities in Software Development. Whether you have a job offer, a question, or just want to connect, my inbox is always open. I'll try my best to get back to you promptly!

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